Smart Arts

You might have heard the horror stories, or have experienced it yourself. For those unfamiliar, white ink is notorious for being the most painful part of a tattoo session. So much so, that the tattoo community on the internet is full of memes about the joys of white ink.

So, why does it hurt more? There are a few reasons.

First and foremost, white ink is administered as the finishing touches of a tattoo. This means, that the tattoo artist is going over skin that has already been worked on. The skin is raw and open, so going over that area with a needle again isn’t going to be pleasant. Imagine scraping a sunburn – not fun.

Frankly, when you’ve been sitting hours for a tattoo, most people will feel extra discomfort.

White ink tends to be thicker. Extra effort is required to get the ink in, and to top it off, a lining needle is used which also generally hurts more.

White ink takes the tattoo to whole other level, and really makes the tattoo pop.

What do you think? Is the pain worth it?

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